Mixing times for the exclusion process
Abstract: The exclusion process is one of the best-studied examples of an interacting particle system. In this talk, we focus on exclusion processes on finite graphs. We give an overview over some recent results on the mixing time of the exclusion process on the line segment as well as a selection of open problems. This talk is based on joint work with Nina Gantert and Evita Nestoridi.
Prerequisites: Introduction to Probability Theory
Live stream via Zoom:Please contact topmath@ma.tum.de to get the login details.
TopMath Talks
As part of the TopMath talks, TopMath students and doctoral students present parts of their research. They provide an understandable insight into their current area of interest, enabling students and staff to broaden their mathematical background knowledge. The talks are open to the public and last about an hour, followed by discussion. You are cordially invited!
Organization: Johannes Bäumler, Fabian Roll