Geometric Desingularization of Non-Autonomous Differential Equations
Abstract: In this talk, we introduce the blowup method, which has turned out to be an appropriate way to desingularize vector fields around non-hyperbolic equilibria of autonomous differential equations and is based on a coordinate change and a rescaling of time. Furthermore, we work out the first steps towards a desingularization scheme for non-autonomous equations: applying an analogous procedure to non-autonomous equations leads to equations with infinitely growing delay, which exhibit hyperbolic dynamics.
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TopMath Talks
As part of the TopMath talks, TopMath students and doctoral students present parts of their research. They provide an understandable insight into their current area of interest, enabling students and staff to broaden their mathematical background knowledge. The talks are open to the public and last about an hour, followed by discussion. You are cordially invited!
Organization: Johannes Bäumler, Fabian Roll