TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München
E-mail: info(at)cit.tum.de
Do you have questions about internal and external communications at the TUM School of CIT (digital, print and graphics, events, programs for prospective students, marketing activities)? Then please contact the team Communications.
Email: communications(at)cit.tum.de
You have a question about your studies or application? Then please get in touch with the contact persons named on our study webpages.
Emergency numbers
- Fire and ambulance services for the Campus Garching: 089 289 112 (TUM Fire Department Garching)
- Fire and ambulance services for the Munich Downtown Campus, Ottbrunn and other locations: 112
- Garching Campus Security Service: 089 289 16600 (continuously occupied)
- Poison control hotline: 089 19240
- Police: 110
In an emergency: What to do?
You can find out what to do in the event of an emergency or damage, or in case of problems on the TUM emergency page.
News from School
New large-scale instrument for research in the nanometer range