Prizes & Awards
TUM scientists in all departments are regularly awarded top prizes for their achievements. Here is an overview.
The Latest Awards
Medical AI researcher Daniel Rückert receives Leibniz Prize
ERC Proof of Concept Grant for Professor Alin Albu-Schäffer
Humboldt Professorships
The Alexander von Humboldt Professorship is the most highly endowed German science award. It is awarded to top researchers who are world leaders in their field and are active abroad. The Humboldt Professorships are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
- 2022: Stefanie Jegelka
- 2022: Suvrit Sra
- 2021: Angela Schoellig
- 2020: Daniel Rückert
- 2018: Marco Caccamo
- 2014: Andreas Schulz
- 2011: Hans-Arno Jacobsen
- 2010: Gerhard Kramer
- 2009: Burkhard Rost
Leibniz Prizes
The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize is the most important research funding award in Germany. The Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) uses it to promote the work of outstanding scientists. The prize is endowed with up to 2.5 million euros.
- 2024: Daniel Rückert
- 2023: Fabian Theis
- 2020: Thomas Neumann
- 2019: Sami Haddadin
- 2016: Daniel Cremers
- 2012: Barbara Wohlmuth
- 2008: Holger Boche
- 2008: Susanne Albers
- 1997: Ernst W. Mayr
- 1995: Gerhard Hirzinger
- 1994: Manfred Broy
- 1991: Karl-Heinz Hoffmann
ERC Grants
The European Research Council supports frontier research through individual funding and enjoys an excellent reputation in the research community.
ERC Starting Grants
- 2024: Berna Özkale Edelmann
- 2024: Jana Giceva
- 2023: Kristen Kozielski
- 2022: Angela Dai
- 2022: Pramod Bhatotia
- 2021: Viktor Leis
- 2018: Antonia Wachter-Zeh
- 2018: Majid Zamani
- 2018: Matthias Nießner
- 2016: Agnieszka Wykowska
- 2014: Nils Thüerey
- 2013: Sandra Hirche
- 2013: Björn Schuller
- 2012: Massimo Fornasier
- 2012: Andrey Rybalchenko
- 2011: Eva Viehmann
- 2010: Fabian Theis
- 2010: Noam Berger Steiger
- 2010: Eckehard Steinbach
- 2009: Daniel Cremers
ERC Consolidator Grants
- 2024: Matthias Nießner
- 2024: Alexander Fraser
- 2023: Jia Chen
- 2020: Robert König
- 2020: Robert Wille
- 2019: Sandra Hirche
- 2019: Nils Thürey
- 2018: Matthias Althoff
- 2017: Eva Viehmann
- 2016: Thomas Neumann
- 2015: Christian Liedtke
- 2014: Daniel Cremers
- 2014: Wolfang Kellerer
ERC Advanced Grants
- 2022: Gordon Cheng
- 2021: Fabian Theis
- 2019: Mathias Drton
- 2019: Daniel Rückert
- 2019: Daniel Cremers
- 2018: Alin Albu-Schäffer
- 2017: Javier Esparza
- 2015: Susanne Albers
- 2011: Rüdiger Westermann
- 2010: Martin Buss
ERC Proof of Concept Grants
- 2024: Alin Albu-Schäffer
- 2019: Sandra Hirche
- 2019: Daniel Cremers
- 2018: Nils Thürey
- 2016: Rüdiger Westermann
- 2015: Eckehard Steinbach
- 2013: Daniel Cremers
ERC Synergy Grants
- 2023: Julien Gagneur
IEEE Fellows
IEEE Fellows are appointed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to researchers who have made exceptional contributions to their field.
- 2025: Wolfgang Kellerer
- 2024: Sami Haddadin
- 2023: Alois Knoll
- 2022: Nassir Navab
- 2021: Wolfgang Utschick
- 2020: Daniel Rückert
- 2020: Sandra Hirche
- 2019: Gerhard Rigoll
- 2017: Gordon Cheng
- 2015: Eckhard Steinbach
- 2014: Martin Buss
- 2014: Helmut Gräb
- 2011: Holger Boche
- 2011: Paolo Lugli
- 2010: Gerhard Kramer
- 2007: Markus-Christian Amann (1950-2018)
- 2006: Günther Schmidt (1935-2025)
- 2004: Friedrich Pfeiffer
- 2003: Dierk Schröder (1941-2024)
- 2000: Johann-Friedrich Luy*
- 1998: Wolfram Boeck (1934-2020)
- 1997: Gerd Hirzinger
- 1994: Kurt Antreich (1934-2022)
- 1994: Peter Russer
- 1993: Josef A. Nossek
- 1992: Joachim Hagenauer
- 1981: Patrick Dewilde*
- 1980: Wolfgang Harth (1932-2007)
Legend: * = not at TUM at the time of the award
ACM Fellows
ACM Fellows are appointed by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to members who have made outstanding contributions to the field of computer science and information technology.
- 2022: Peter Boncz
- 2022: Alfons Kemper
- 2008: Lawrence C. Paulson
TUM Distinguished Affiliated Professors
Since 2007, the Technical Univerity of Munich awards the honorary title "TUM Distinguished Affiliated Professor" to internationally outstanding scientists who have developed a leading research field and who cooperate with their TUM colleagues on a long-term basis. The honorary title is awarded by the President on the basis of a resolution of the Extended Presidential Board and the Senate.
- Leon O. Chua
- Patrick Dewilde
- Eveline Gottzein (1931-2023)
- Martin Grötschel
- Oussama Khatib
- James E. Massey (1934-2013)
- Yoshikito Nakamura
- Lawrence C. Paulson
- Sidney I. Resnick
- August-Wilhelm Scheer