Important Notice
There are delays in processing IDP-related matters (registrations, grade entries, and questions) due to staff shortages.
Interdisciplinary Project in an Application Subject (IDP)
The Interdisciplinary Project (IDP) is a required component of your Master’s of Informatics program. Through practical work in a minor subject, it bridges the gap between informatics and your chosen minor subject. It can be beneficial to choose a topic that relates to your undergraduate studies so that you possess some previous knowledge of the topic.
The IDP is worth 16 credits, earned through lecture with exercise (4 hours per week, no lab courses or seminars), practical work, documentation, and presentation.
Note that no elective course lectures on Informatics may be taken into consideration.
- Slides - Let's talk about IDP@in.tum
- Registration Form Interdisciplinary Project
- Module Description IN2334 Interdisciplinary Project
Guideline IDP project description
It is strongly recommended to complete IDP within 2 semesters.
The project description should be 2 pages long and contain the following aspects:
- title
- description of content (about 1 page)
- description of relationship between project and application area
- justification of choice of lecture – how does it fit into concept?
- milestones
- timetable
Please send the application and the project description in one e-mail to ipd-in.asa(at) and include all students working on the project including the supervisors and the examiners in CC. Otherwise the application cannot be processed.
Possible Projects
This is a platform for chairs of other departments to announce possible Interdisciplinary Projects.
The following projects are currently available and announced online. You may (and often must) also search for an IDP on your own, see the How-To above for hints. If you are interested in one of the projects, please get in touch with the contact person listed in the project description.
Please note: There is no quality control for the announced projects. The quality of a project will only be checked together with the registration and acceptance process of an Interdisciplinary Project.
Announcements on other websites
In addition to the listing below, some chairs also post IDPs on their own sites:
Some chairs publish IDPs on their own website:
- Chair of Financial Management and Capital Markets
- Production and Supply Chain Management
- TUM Entrepreneurship Research Institute
- Chairs for Entrepreneurial Finance
- Dr. Theo Schöller-Stiftungslehrstuhl für Technologie- und Innovationsmanagement
- Chair of Human-Machine Communication
- Institute for Materials Handling, Material Flow, Logistics
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Chair of Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
- Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management
- Institute of Automotive Technology
- Chair for Data Processing
- Chair for Information Systems
- Cartken - robotics
- Chair of Security in Information Technology
- Chair of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Systems
- Professorship of Business Analytics & Intelligent Systems
- Associate Professorship of Sport Equipment and Sport Materials
- TUM Data Innovation Lab
- Human-Centered Technologies for Learning
- Applied Econometrics
- Chair of Proteomics and Bioanalytics
- Chair of Computational Molecular Medicine
- [02.12.2024] Visualization of auditory nerve fiber activation under natural and electrical stimulation
- [27.05.2024] Smart Assistant utilizing Retrieval Augmented Generation
- [27.05.2024] Workflow Automation utilizing Business Process Engine
- [16.11.2023] Development of OPC UA communication for integrated thermal- electric energy system control in CoSES Lab
- [04.02.2025] Benchmarking ML models for Computational Fluid Dynamics
- [27.11.2024] Benchmarking eines Chatbots für die Produktion |Benchmarking of a chatbot for production
- [25.11.2024] Estimating Localization Uncertainty in Object Detectors for Autonomous Driving
- [08.11.2024] Application of Dynamic Mode Decomposition on Exper- imentally Gained High Speed Schlieren Videos
- [24.10.24] Visualization of Load Flow in Residential Power Systems with high PV Penetration using Virtual Reality Engines
- [18.10.2024] AI in Computer-aided Manufacturing
- [18.10.2024] Entwicklung eines Flow-based Programming-Frameworks zur Roboterprogrammierung
- [18.10.2024] Entwicklung eines Steuerungsinterfaces für Industrieroboter auf dem Steam Deck mittels ROS2
- [14.10.2024] Robot Integration in Additive Manufacturing System (3D Printing)
- [10.10.2024] A Retrieval Augmented Generation system for the selection of spacecraft components from a database in LLM-based spacecraft design assistants
- [10.10.2024] Fine-tuning of Large Language Models for better performance in space systems
- [10.10.2024] Dataset curation for Large Language Model training for space systems
- [10.10.2024] Show me what you see: Augmented reality methods for the video streams of automated vehicles
- [23.09.2024] Graphical User Interface for an EV Integration Framework in Local Energy Systems
- [11.09.2024] Adaptive Controller for Valve-Drive Hydraulic Cylinder Using Machine Learning
- [11.09.2024] Model inversion attacks on AI models for condition monitoring
- [04.09.2024] Formalization of Task Specifications Using Large Language Models (LLMs) for Industrial Robots
- [04.09.2024] Scalable Knowledge Model for Industrial Robots in Handling
- [04.09.2024] Shaping the digital future in the construction industry - Development of a data exchange platform
- [19.08.2024] Uncertainty Estimation in Deep Learning Object Detectors
- [26.07.2024] Evaluation of Highspeed Tracking Performance for Autonomous Racing
- [26.07.2024] Synthetic dataset of Artificial Objects in Space for Event Vision
- [15.07.2024] Weiterentwicklung eines GUI zur Prozessüberwachung im Endlos- faser 3D-Druckprozess
- [01.07.2024] Development of Artificial Neural Networks for Image Segmentation Tasks
- [21.06.2024] Computer Vision
- [22.05.2024] Development of an Efficient Implementation of a New VTOL Concept Selection Methodology and Corresponding User Interface
- [21.05.2024] Big data analytics & machine learning: analysing electric vehicle fleet data
- [21.05.2024] Development of an interactive tool to assess fleet electrification potential, TCO & sustainability
- [21.05.2024] Kostenmodell für eine Lithium-Ionen-Batterie- Gigafactory
- [21.05.2024] Testing-Methodik für das Benchmarking von Chatbots in der Produktion | Testing method for benchmarking chatbots in production
- [25.02.2024] Simulation of sensor configurations and safety metrics in autonomous driving scenarios
- [25.03.2024] Predicting neural network performance on object detection task in autonomous vehicles
- [25.03.2024] 3D Object detection for Autonomous Driving
- [25.03.2024] Development of the Software Interface for the TUM Smart Energy Systems Laboratory
- [07.03.2024] Scaling JAX-SPH
- [07.03.2024] Big data analytics & machine learning: modeling the influence of weather on bikesharing usage
- [07.03.2024] Invariant Features for Learning Equivariant Lagrangian Fluid Mechanics
- [22.02.2024] Student research project on shaping the digital future in the construction industry - from isolated solutions to data trust
- [22.02.2024] Fully Autonomous Flight
- [19.02.2024] Python-API for Automation of Computer-aided Manufacturing
- [22.01.2024] Object Detection with AI in Intralogistics
- [22.01.2024] Object Detection mittels KI in der Intralogistik
- [22.01.2024] Mapping of dynamic objects by mobile robots in intralogistics
- [22.01.2014] Mapping von dynamischen Hindernissen durch mobile Roboter in der Intralogistik
- [04.12.2023] Development of a Bottleneck Management System in the Inbound Supply Chain using Simulation and Rein- forcement Learning in the context of the Commercial Vehicle Industry
- [04.12.2023] Entwicklung eines Engpassmanagementsystems in der Inbound Supply Chain mit Hilfe von Simulation und Reinforcement Learning im Kontext der Nutzfahr- zeugindustrie
- [08.11.2023] Design and Implementation of a Deployment Model and Data Pipeline for ADS-B Data Processing
- [06.11.2023] Gitlab CI/CD Development for Autonomous Driving Software
- [06.11.2023] Implementation of a Model for the Simulation of the Micro- structure in Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing)
- [06.11.2023] Implementierung eines Modells zur Simulation der Mikro- struktur bei der Additiven Fertigung (3D-Druck)
- [18.10.2024] Building Characteristics Prediction based on Street View Images
- [04.09.2024] Fusing Satellite Images and OpenStreetMap to Detect Public Green Spaces
- [26.07.2024] Digital guardians: revolutionizing data management for at-risk cultural heritage in Bavaria
- [17.06.2024] Bauphysik
- [28.09.2023] Deep learning for exceptional architecture
- [04.02.2025] Project study Ecco Collection
- [24.10.2024] Creating an Energy GPT
- [24.10.2024] Driving Energy Efficiency: Modelling Renewable Asset Integration for Small Businesses
- [18.10.2024] Opportunity to contribute to clinical innovation in orthopedic medicine using the power of artificial intelligence
- [18.10.2024] Full Stack / Frontend Developer
- [11.10.2024] Rize Software Engineering Project
- [10.10.2024] Identification of “Prophetic Patents”
- {10.10.2024] Identification of Digital Platform Companies
- [10.10.2024] Robot Integration in Additive Manufacturing System (3D Printing)
- [25.09.2024 Cellbyte
- [23.09.2024] ibclick
- [09.09.2024] Campaign Concierge
- [04.09.20224] IDP or Project Study: advanced data analytics in the yacht charter business
- [02.08.2024] Machine Learning for a Sustainable Economy
- [15.07.2024] iOS App Modernization: Migrating from Objective-C to Swift for App Frame with Webview
- [15.07.2024] Android App Modernization: Updating and Optimizing the Kotlin-based App Frame with Webview
- [01.07.2024] 1 Entwickle GenAI-basierte Software mit Azure und Python
- [01.07.2024] Develop GenAI-based software with Azure and Python
- [17.06.2024] Towards a foundation model for flow cytometry
- [17.06.2024] Data Analysis: Abandoned Carts in E-Commerce
- [17.06.2024] Automatic labeling from medical text data
- [24.05.2024] Application of state-of-the-art web scraping techniques to patent pools and company data
- [21.05.2024] SENSOR FUSION WITH 9D-IMU
- [21.05.2024] MACHINE LEARNING
- [21.05.2024] CHAT BOT - MEDICAL APP
- [21.05.2024] ARK CLIMATE
- [03.04.2024] Streamlining International Stock Market Data: De- veloping an Automated API-Based Extraction Tool
- [15.03.2024] Smartfield – Large Language Models for a digital Assistant
- [16.02.2024] Blona
- [29.01.2024] Product Development. Multiple tracks. E-commerce and delivery platform.
- [29.11.2023] Utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to Generate Training Data for Machine Learning Algorithms
- [29.11.2023] Python based real-time fuzzy search
- [17.11.2023] Heisenberg Energy
- [09.09.2024] AI based Computer Vision in Agriculture
- [04.09.2024] Parameter Optimization of Particle-based Simulation with Reinforcement Learning [100% remote work possible]
- [05.07.2024] Smartfield - AI for agricultural field management
- ][24.04.2024] Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Pharmaceutical Particle Mixing Status in Rotary Drums
- [06.11.2023] Development of a data pipeline for chemometric evaluation of high-resolu- tion mass spectrometry data in environmental aerosol monitoring
- [24.10.2024] User Experience Design for AI
- [24.10.24] Front-End Development for AI
- [24.10.2024] AI Engineer
- [02.08.2024] revitalyze
- [07.03.2024] CDP // RECALIBRATED
- [07.03.2024] CDP // REMASTERED
- [07.03.2024] CDP // MIXED