Incoming Exchange Students
Welcome to TUM CIT Informatics (Computer Science)!
As a student at one of TUM CIT Informatics’s international partner universities, you can spend a semester or academic year on exchange in the area of Computer Science and Informatics with us here in Munich. Read through this section for all the details on application, courses, practical arrangements, and more.
Welcome Meeting for Incoming Exchange Students at TUM CIT Informatics
Our Welcome Meeting for Incoming Exchange Students at TUM CIT Informatics usually takes place the week before the lecture period starts. Make sure to participate, then you will be well prepared for your semester(s) at our university.
For Summer Semester 2025, the Welcome Meeting for Incoming Exchange Students takes place on Thursday, April 17, 2025 at 2 pm, MI Interim I, Audience Hall 2 (at Research Campus Garching, see "black cube").
1. Courses - how to find them
The website guides you step by step through TUMonline, our online course portal, so that you find courses and can prepare your study program or learning agreement respectively.
2. Application for Exchange Stay
How to submit your application to TUM Global & Alumni - information for exchange students or nondegree seeking students. Include our course wish list or an unsigned learning agreement (PDF).
3. Plan Your Exchange
Academic and logistical information to help you prepare your application and your stay as an exchange or double-degree student at TUM Informatics - after admission.
4. During Your Exchange
Practical information for current exchange students, including medical care, registering for exams, student activities and working in Germany.
5. Exams and Transcripts
Practical information on examinations and transcripts at the end or after your exchange studies.
Application for Double Degree Students
Information on our international double degree programs. Students in these programs come from one of our partner universities and combine study at their home university with study at TUM Informatics in order to earn two master’s degrees.