Entry of stays abroad in Diploma Supplement
At TUM, stays abroad will be included in your Diploma Supplement, if they meet the following two criteria:
- the stay abroad is linked to the purpose and content of your TUM studies
- the stay abroad has a duration of min. 2 months or, if shorter, credits were awarded, e.g. ATHENS, Summer Courses.
Possible stays abroad could be:
- exchange semester via TUM programs
- Internships
- Final theses
- research stay
- self-organized study abroad
- Athens Program/Summer Courses
It's up to ths student to timely submit the requested documents before graduation. Calculate with some weeks for the internal coordination at TUM.
TUM Global & Alumni Office inputs the data of the stays abroad at a quarterly cycle (March, June, September, December) (as per February 2017). All students get an automatic confirmation about the input of stay abroad's data in TUMonline.
Please check the following paragraphs carefully, with details about the different mobility programs and ways of inclusion in your Diploma Supplement.
Programs coordinated by TUM Global & Alumni Office, like ERASMUS+, Swiss European Mobility Program, Partnerships Overseas, TUMexchange, TUM stipends and Athens Program, will be automatically included in your Diploma Supplement, as soon as you have submitted all program-specific confirmations and final documents.
Self-organized stays abroad, like internships, final thesis, study or research abroad outside of TUM programs, are summarized unter the term 'Freemover'. They can be indicated in your Diploma Supplement, too. The initially mentioned criteria have to be met.
Further information about the expected documents and the registration in the Online Portal of TUM Global & Alumni Office are online at the websites about Freemover stays abroad (!).
In case your stay abroad (esp. with regard to final theses!) is carried out very late during your TUM studies, check your diploma and your Diploma Supplement, if the data was correctly included in time.
If not, the following procedure applies (see paragraph below).
Especially when your mobility/stay abroad took place at the very end of your TUM studies, check your Diploma Supplement, if the data was included in time by TUM Global & Alumni Office (Please note: The input of data is just carried out in a quartely cycle - March/June/September/December).
If the entry is inaccurate or missing, there can be several reasons:
- The input of your stay abroad was shortly after the issue of your diploma. Then a reissue of your Diploma Supplement can be arranged rather promptly.
- You havn't submitted all required documents after all (see above). After the complete submission and the next quarterly upload of data by TUM Global & Alumni Office, the Diploma Supplement can be reissued.
- or there has been a technical issue transferring the data into TUMonline.
1. Step
To inquire about the exact reason for a missing or inaccurate entry, please contact TUM Global & Alumni Office (Frauke Denniger). Indicate your full name, your TUM study program, your TUM department, the country of your stay abroad, name of university/company/hosting institution, and the day-accurate duration of your stay.
2. Step
With the email feedback by TUM Global & Alumni Office about the time of update in TUMonline contact the study program coordination at TUM Informatics. Please note for the further process, that the input of data is just carried out in a quarterly cycle (March/June/September/December) by TUM Global & Alumni Office.
3. Step
Your TUM Informatics' program coordination forwards your request of reissue of your Diploma Supplment to the TUM-CST Graduation Office Campus Garching. (It can not be done by TUM Global & Alumni Office.) The TUM-CST Graduation Office Campus Garching will get in contact with you within the next weeks via e-mail about when you can exchange your old Diploma Supplement for the new version.