- The exchange agreements between TUM CIT Informatics and the partner universities are valid for the respective field of "Informatics/Computer Science/Computer Engineering". However, some partner universities allow exchange students (Incomings) a more interdisciplinary study program. Courses in the field of Economics, in most cases, are very limited or excluded since the local Business Schools or Departments of Economics don't have enough capacities. Therefore, the field of Informatics/Computer Science always has to be the "default"-solution for all outgoing students in Informatics. Further information on course offers and flexibility in the course selection, you can find on the websites of our partner universities (see links below).
- Starting point ERASMUS+ website of TUM CIT Informatics: Only the cit.tum.de/cit/erasmus websites offer you specific and reliable information on our partner universities and on the application form of TUM CIT Informatics. If you apply via the Moveon portal of TUM Global & Alumni, your application is invalid.
- Quota: Per partner institution, TUM CIT Informatics has 2-4 places, sometimes even more. Apply according to your interests and indicate different options in your application, naming at least 5 partner universities and ideally up to 8 sincere destinations.
- The language of instruction is indicated directly after each country. For English, we expect our outgoing students to always have at least a B2 level. For all other languages of instruction, you have to submit a B1 certificate or language plan, as for example for French destinations: regarding the language of instruction, it says "French and English", i.e. you have to provide a B1 certificate or a realistic language plan for French. The additional English level of at least B2 for those who want to take English courses in France, shouldn't be a problem for TUM students.
- Languages in brackets are the official languages of the countries. You should take a beginners language course, at the latest, in the semester before your stay abroad . Other possibilites are also intensive courses at the TUM Language Center during semester breaks, language courses at the VHS (Volkshochschule) or other language institutes as well as online offers. Having already knowledge in the country's official language at the time of application at TUM CIT Informatics is advantageous.
- Study reports of former outgoings in Informatics and other TUM departments/schools are available in the online database (Moveon Publisher) of the TUM Global & Alumni Office. Don't forget to filter by CIT-Informatics and country. If you don't find a study report, the partner university is probably new or former outgoings unfortunately didn't write a report. Try a free web search to find study reports from other (German) universities and look forward to discovering new paths.
- Mobility window, integration into TUM CIT Informatics studies and semester times: Please be aware of the different semester times of our partner universities. The semesters abroad always begin several weeks/months earlier than in Germany. In many cases, we recommend to go abroad during the "fall term" (winter semester) to avoid overlaps between semesters and examination periods. More information on planning at www.cit.tum.de/en/cit/mobilitaetsfenster-informatics (This website is a must for your preparation).
Mobility window, integration into TUM CIT Informatics studies and semester times: Please be aware of the different semester times of our partner universities. The semesters abroad always begin several weeks/months earlier than in Germany. In many cases, we recommend to go abroad during the "fall term" (winter semester 2024/25) to avoid overlaps between semesters and examination periods. But there are also well-planned exceptions for the second semester (summer semester/spring term 2025). The examination period of TUM CIT Informatics in the summer semester 2024 is expected to last until August 10, 2024.
More information on planning at https://www.cit.tum.de/cit/studium/internationales/informatics-outgoing/studium-im-ausland/ (This website is a must for your preparation).
Our interesting Double Degrees only apply to MSc Informatics. The application deadline is mid-January (in 2024: Jan 15) and includes our programs in Australia, France and Sweden. You can apply in your 5th Bachelor's semester or 1st Master's semester.
- KU Leuven - Faculty of Engineering Science: only Master's (database Moveon publisher not up to datel!)
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) - Applied Computer Science - Bachelor's and Master's
- University of Aarhus - Faculty of Natural Science
- University of Copenhagen - Faculty of Science
- IT University of Copenhagen
- Denmarks Technical University, Lyngby strategic partner of TUM (EuroTeQ)
All universities open for BSc & MSc; BSc students can partly attend Master's courses in English, if they meet the requirements; practical and project-orientated studies; courses and degree programs in the field of Games.
- Tallin University of Technology (TalTech) strategic partner of TUM (EuroTeQ)
Open for Bachelor's & Master's; also, but not only interesting for IT Security and Information Systems.
- Aalto University, School of Science, Espoo near Helsinki
- University of Helsinki - Faculty of Science
- University of Jyväskylä
- Lappeenranta University of Technology
- University of Oulu - Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
- Tampere University - Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences (Hervanta Campus)
All universities open for BSc & MSc; BSc students can partly attend Master's courses in English, if they meet the requirements; practical and project-orientated studies; bigger modules allow students to focus on one topic; smaller universities often offer interesting interfaces.
- Université Bordeaux, Sciences et Technologies
- Université des Antilles, on Guadeloupe
- Sorbonne Université - Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie, Paris (formerly UPMC Paris 6)
- Université de Paris - Sciences, Technologies, Santé - application and course offer (formerly Université Diderot Paris 7)
- Université Côte d'Azur, Nizza - Science, Ingénerie, Technologie, Environement - application and course offer (formerly Université de Nice)
- Université de Lorraine - Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Nancy - Informatique
Grandes Écoles
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
- Institut polytechnique de Grenoble - ENSIMAG
- Ecole Polytechnique, Palaisau near Paris (also DD), strategic partner of TUM (EuroTeQ)
- TELECOM Paris, Palaisau near Paris (also DD)
- EURECOM, Biot near Antibes (near Nizza)
- TELECOM SudParis, Evry near Paris
- CentraleSupeléc , Université Paris-Sarclay (formerly Ecole Centrale)
The higher education system in France consists of two types of institutions: Grandes écoles and universities. The grandes écoles are based on the so-called classes préparatoires (~first two years of Bachelor), which lay the bases in mathematics, physics and chemistry. After a national competition, only the best students are admitted to certain grandes écoles to obtain a diplôme d'ingénieur (diploma/master's degree in engineering). Universities, on the other hand, offer Bachelor's (license) and Master's (mastère) degree programs and start directly after the French A-levels.
Therefore, it's only possible for exchange students in a Master's degree who have already completed a Bachleor's degree in Informatics/Computer Science & Engineering incl. good grades in Mathematics to study at one of our partner grandes écoles which all award a diplôme d'ingénieur.
Students of all TUM CIT Informatics' degree programs can study at universities (universités) as long as they meet the requirements for the respective courses in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs. Students of Information Systems should primarily consider universities (universités), as "informatique de gestion" or MIAGE (Méthodes informatiques appliquées à la gestion/au management des entreprises) is often taught there. Of course, Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Informatique are also an option.
At French institutions, there is often a semester study plan for a discipline or degree program, which exchange students must also respect, as the course schedule is often more fragmented and therefore coordinated. Hence, it's not always possible (or only exceptionally) to attend courses in other degree programs or departments. It's not unusual that courses are worth only 2 or 3 ECTS. Information on this is provided by the partner institutions, often your course program can only be clarified on site. So, check the respective semester in one or more degree programs, this is your reference offer ("default") from which you can choose.
During the recent years, most French universities and grandes écoles have merged into larger alliances, often with new names. This is why some websites are a little confusing or seem to switch to other universities. However, it is worth the effort of researching, as these are really interesting partner institutions. So be patient.
Required language skills for all institutions in France: at least B1 in French - regardless of whether courses are also offered in English. You can also submit a language plan for a B1 in French until the beginning of your stay abroad when you apply at TUM CIT Informatics. This is a requirement of TUM CIT Informatics, out of experience and care, even though many institutions are increasingly offering courses in English in their Master's programs.
In general, the better your French, the more successful your stay in France. Life off campus will definitely be in French, e.g. dealing with authorities, finding accommodation and cultural activities. You want to be prepared for this. Please also pay attention to any higher French requirements on the websites of the partner universities. If you have any questions, please contact TUM CIT Informatics for advice. A stay in France is a unique opportunity to learn another European language - in addition to English and German. Take heart!
- Reykjavik University (more technical university)
- University of Iceland, Reykjavik, (comprehensive university) - some courses in Informatics/Computer Science are only offered in English every other year.
Open for Bachelor's and Master's; practical and project-related studies.
- Politecnico di Milano Bachelor's in Italian, Master's mostly in English
- Università degli Studi di Pisa - field of Engineering / Informatics Engineering
- Sapienza Università di Roma - Ingegneria dell'informazione, Informatica e Statistica
- Bocconi University, Milano
- Università degli Studi di Genova (tbc)
Open for Bachelor's and Master's; Bachelor's in Italian, Master's programs increasingly in English; if you find enough interesting/suitable courses in English and if the application requirements of the partner university allow it, an A2 level (at least) in Italian may be sufficient when starting your studies in Italy. Therefore, a language plan for Italian may be sufficient for the internal application at TUM CIT Informatics (e.g. (intensive) courses in the lecture-free period and in the summer semester). For studies in Italian only, you should at least have a B1 level.
Italy is one of the few European countries whose Academic calendar allows a stay during the summer semester (beginning of semester late February/early March). You can use an additional semester before your stay in Italy to learn Italian. The higher your level of Italian at the start of your stay abroad, the more successful and enjoyable your stay will be. Take the opportunity to learn another European language and always plan on having at least a B1 level at the start of your studies, even if the university requires less. Have confidence in yourself!
- TU Delft, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
- Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science - strategic partner of TUM (EuroTeQ)
- University of Twente, Enschede, EEMCS - Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science
- University of Groningen, Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Utrecht University - Faculty of Science
Open for Bachelor's and Master's; innovative teaching and very international universities.
- University of Agder
- University of Bergen
- University of Oslo
- University of Stavanger
- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, Trondheim
- The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsö
All universities open for Bachelor's and Master's.
Open for Bachelor's and Master's.
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) offers free Polish courses in the summer.
- Universidade do Porto - Faculty of Engineering
- Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Lisboa
Agreements are open for Master's, for Bachelor's only after consultation with the partner universities, if the students meet the requirements for Master's courses. If Bachelor's students are fluent in Portugese, that's for sure advantageous. Bachelor's courses are in Portugese, Master's courses in English.
If the partner university accepts also students with no or only a few skills in Portugese, you can apply nonetheless. We still strongly recommend to learn Portugese up to a B1 level. Life off campus will be in Portugese.
- Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg
- Halmstad University
- Linköping University - Faculty of Science and Engineering
- Lund University - Faculty of Engineering
- KTH Stockholm - School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) - also DD
- Stockholm University, Department of Computer and Systems Science (DSV)
- Umeå University - Department of Informatics und Department of Computing Science - (Have a look at the syllabi of the courses to see which department the courses belong to.)
- Uppsala University - Department of Information Technology
Open for Bachelor's and Master's; practical and project-orientated studies; often bigger modules which allow students to focus on one topic.
Bachelor's in German, Master's in English. Only students with very good grades can be considered.
- EPF Lausanne strategic partner of TUM (EuroTeQ)
Bachelor' in French, Master's in English. However, all applicants have to achieve a B1 level in French. In Lausanne, daily life exclusively works in French, only on Campus in English.
Open for Bachelor's and Master's. Very good universities. The Swiss European Mobility Program (SEMP) scholarships are awarded directly by the Swiss universities.
- Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
only open for Bachelor's, reliable offer in English. Catalan as regional language. Exception: at least A2 level in Spanish (BUT: the higher, the better!) - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Facultat d'Informàtica de Barcelona (FIB)
many courses in English, Catalan as regional language. Exception: at least A2 level in Spanish (BUT: the higher, the better!) - Universidad de Granada
The agreement is either valid for courses of ETSIIT in Grado de Ingeneria Informatica (~ Bachelor's, possibly grado courses in the 4th year also suitable for Master's students) or for the Master Telecommunications Engineering (Postgrado of ETSIIT). Please note: It's not possible to study interdisciplinarily. - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid - School of Engineering / Escuela Politécnica Superior
- Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - School of Engineering Leganes Campus - at Master's level, open only "Informatics Engineering"
- Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - agreements with two schools:
- UPM Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Sistemas Informáticos ETSISI - focus: Software Engineering and Information Systems - but not exclusively!
- UPM Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Informáticos (ETSIINF) ETSII - vast offer, interesting for all BSc & MSc degree programs of TUM CIT Informatics!
- Universidad de Sevilla - Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática (Please note: semester 1 begins in mid September!) - NEW
Within ETSII: any courses from department's degree programs (Bachelor's or Master's level) open and up to three courses from other departments for annual stays (only one course from another department/escuela for semester mobility) - depending on capacities and suitable prior knowledge. - Universidad Poitécnica de Valencia - School of Informatics
There are two agreements, select the right one(s) in the online form:
Bachelor's Degree in Data Science
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Computing and Robotics (4) [This is a new degree from 2022-23, so the mobility in/out will start in 2024-25 (to be confirmed) => earliest application possible in January 2024]
Bachelor's Degree in Informatics Engineering
Master's Degree in Informatics Engineering
Master's Degree in Cybersecurity and Cyberintelligence
2. ETSIT: Master's degree programs MUIC, MUCPD, MUISMFSI & MUIARFID
If you search the web for the abbreviations, you will find the degree programs to which our agreements apply.
[ETSINF2: Master Information Management (MUGI) (degree program is discontinued) - agreement terminated in 2022 - applications no longer possible.]
- Universidad Zaragoza - Escuela Ingenería y Arquitectura - all degree programs of Escuela open - also a Master's in the field of Robotics (Zaragoza's website for Incomings wrongly doesn't list the degree program) - beautiful city with a large basilica, only approx. 650,000 inhabitants.
All universities are open for Bachelor's and Master's, except for Pompeu Fabra. In the Spanish higher education system, you must be prepared to be enrolled in a degree program as an exchange student. This means that you cannot always study interdisciplinarily. Bachelor's programs (grado) usually last 4 years, Master's 1-1.5 years.
In the interest of the students and based on experience, the Faculty of Computer Science requires a B1 level in Spanish (or a language plan) for all partners outside Barcelona. Courses may be offered partly in English, but courses can be canceled or still only offered in Spanish. With a B1 level in Spanish, you will be sufficiently prepared to implement your study program. Take the opportunity to speak another language fluently during and after your stay.
- Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prag - Faculty of Information Technology - (strategic partner in EuroTeQ )
- Karls Universität Prag - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- Masaryk University, Brno - Faculty of Informatics
All universities are open for Bachelor's and Master's and offer many courses in English.
The Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency offers free, as well as fee-based,language courses. These take place in the summer in many Czech cities and are a great opportunity to get to know the country and other cities as your future place of study and to build a network.
- Bogaziçi University, Istanbul - Faculty of Engineering
- Koç University, Istanbul - College of Engineering (CE) und Graduate School of Science and Engineering (GSSE)
- Istanbul Technical University - Faculty of Computer and Informatics und Institute of Informatics
All universities open for Bachelor's and Master's. Koç University and Bogaziçi University offer all courses in English.
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
- Etvös Loránd Tudományegyetem (ELTE) Budapest - Faculty of Informatics
Universities open for Bachelor's and Master's.
Partnership overseas: Heinz College, Carnegie Mellon University (only Master's & in spring semester possible)