Exam Registration
Exam registration period: 18.11.2024 - 15.01.2025
All exams (incl. labs and seminars) and also extra-curricular courses have to be registered by the students in TUMonline.
Please note the following points during registraion:
- The registration period applies to all first attempt examinations and all repeat examinations
- The registration also applies to labs, seminars, FIQ modules, extracurricular modules, etc.
- Other registration deadlines may apply for some labs; these can be found in TUMonline or on the websites of the responsible chairs
- Some modules from other schools/ faculties may have different registration deadline. Students should inform themselves at the early stage.
- Exception for GOP examinations in the Bachelor EI program: All students are automatically registered for these examinations in their first two semesters. Students in higher semesters who still have to write their Joker module, will also be automatically registered for this exam.
Please only register for the examinations that you actually want to take.
Late registrations after the above-mentioned deadline are not possible.
If you have any questions about exam registrations, please contact bachelor(at)ei.tum.de or master(at)ei.tum.de
Good luck for your exams!
Bachelor EI - Examination Board
Responsible for examination issues in the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Gabriele Schrag
Secretary: Dr. Franziska Brändle
Proxy Secretary: Michaela Heinrich
Sectretary office hours: During the lecture-free period by personal appointment only. Please contact us by e-mail.
Tel: +
Master ECE Examination Board
Responsible for examination issues in the MSc Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, MSc Communications and Electronics Engineering and MSc Neuroengineering.
Chairperson: Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Eva Weig
Secretary: Dipl.-Ing. Benita Paraschoudis
Proxy Secretary: Iris Schachtner M.A.
Secretary office hours: Thursdays 2:00-3:00 p.m. and by appointment
on site in room N2149 (https://nav.tum.de/room/0101.02.149)
or via Zoom (Meeting-ID: 646 8327 6934, identification code: 789326)
Tel.: +