Examinations in Mathematics
You want to register for an examination? You need to find out when examinations take place? Or you have studied abroad for a semester and want to have the credits you earned recognized? This page gives you the most important information on the subject.
Examination period at the beginning of the winter term 2024 (retake examinations from summer term 2024):
Exams will take place from September 30th, 2024 - October 19th, 2024
Registration for the exams is open from September 9th, 2024 to September 23rd, 2024. (applies to mathematics/computer science)
Examination dates for oral examinations will be announced by the respective lecturer.
Deadline for Grades: October 31, 2024 (all examinations)
Current examination dates and registration periods in winter term 2024/25 (CIT)
Examination period at the end of the winter semester 2024/25:
Exams will take place from February 10, 2025 - March 1, 2025 (mathematics/computer science)
Registration for the exams is open for the entire CIT from November 18th, 2025 - January 15th, 2025
Electrical Engineering:
February 10th 2025 - April 17th 2025
Midterm and early exams in Computer Science (see IN)
Examination period at the beginning of summer term 2025 (repeat exams; Mathematics/Computer Science):
Exams will take place from April 7th, 2025 to April 19th, 2025
Registration for the exams is open from March 17, 2025 - March 31, 2025
Deadline for Grades: May 9, 2025
Deviations from the respective deadlines are possible
You can find the exact exam dates in TUMonline from the start of each lecture.
Please note: Other schools may have different dates!
Examination dates for oral examinations will be announced by the respective lecturer.
We wish you much success for your exams!
Register correctly using Curricula Support
To take part in an examination, you must register using Curricula Support in TUMonline. Registering for the course does not automatically register you for the exam.
Repeat examination
If you fail an examination, you must register again in order to complete the repeat examination.
The Examination Board is responsible for all examinations in mathematical degree programs:
Chair: Prof. Dr. Johannes Müller
Deputy Chair: Prof. Dr. Tim Hoffmann
Secretary for the Bachelor program: Dr. Kathrin Ruf
Secretary for the Master programs: Dr. Michael Ritter
Secretary for the TopMath degree program: Dr. Carl-Friedrich Kreiner
In case of queries and requests (e.g. regarding missed examination registration deadlines or withdrawal from examinations) please contact the relevant secretary or write an e-mail: (Bachelor: bsc-ma.asa(at)xcit.tum.de, Master: msc-ma.asa(at)xcit.tum.de)
Should you be prevented from taking part in an exam due to illness, you must see a doctor and get an official Medical Certificate for that day. Please keep this document in a safe place – should you fail to comply with the standard duration of your degree program, you may have to present this certificate as proof of having missed the exam for good reasons.
If you are not enrolled at the TUM Department of Mathematics, please follow the guidelines in case of illness of your own department.
Attention: Regulation for GOP examinations
If you are unable to take part in GOP examinations for valid reasons, you must immediately apply to the examination board via bsc-ma.asa(at)xcit.tum.de to withdraw from the examination.
A transcript (also called academic transcript or transcript of records) is an official document in English and German showing:
- A list of courses attended at TUM (lectures, seminars, etc.)
- Number of ECTS credits per course
- Grades earned
- Grading table
It is valid without signature and stamp. In the rare case you need a signed and stamped ToR, you can request a signed and stamped Transcript of Records (ToR) here: TUM CST Graduation Office and Academic Records on Campus Garching, Boltzmannstr. 17. Please contact the responsible contact person.
If required, mathematics students can receive a semester ranking, which they can download as a digital document via the “Rankings” application of the Digital School Services approximately 1 week after the TUM-wide grade deadline (see Current Dates and Deadlines) of the respective semester. The semester rankings are issued according to a TUM-wide default system; the procedure is explained in the ranking document.
For which semesters do you receive a semester ranking?
Bachelor's students
For Bachelor's students, the semester ranking is based on the performance of the students in a cohort (the semester of the main cohort and the previous semester). After the winter semester, semester rankings are generated for students after the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th semesters, after the summer semester for students after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th semesters. Students in higher semesters receive a Grading Table after graduation.
Master's students
For Master's students, the semester ranking is based on the performance of students in the same semester. Semester rankings are available after the end of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd semester. Students in higher semesters receive a Grading Table after graduation.
Grading Table
Graduates receive a Grading Table as an attachment to their graduation documents.
For recognition, submit the transfer credit request by email to bsc-ma.asa(at)xcit.tum.de as a Bachelor's student or to msc-ma.asa(at)xcit.tum.de as a Master's student.
For TUM modules, please fill out the form for recognition of TUM modules completely. For the recognition of modules from other universities, the following information must be added to the completed form:
- Transcript of Records
- Module description
- Grade scale of the host institution
- Master programs: Proof from the host institution that the module is a Master's level module (e.g. with reference to the module description or a curriculum)
After your documents have been verified, an entry will be made in TUMonline acknowledging completion of the examination requirement (credits). Should an additional position statement from the module coordinator be required, you will be informed accordingly by email.
Please note the following information on advancing to a higher semester and on the recognition of prior achievements and achievements during your studies:
Advancing to a higher semester
Students who wish to transfer at least 30 ECTS credits to their current degree program will advance by one semester if the credits were earned in a previous degree program (prior achievement) or during a leave of absence. If 52 ECTS or more are recognized, students will advance by two semesters and each additional 30 ECTS will result in an advance by a further semester.
Recognition of prior achievements
Please note the following when recognizing credits achieved before the start of your studies:
The request for transfer of credits achieved before the start of studies can be submitted just once (one e-mail with the requests for all prior achievements that should be recognized) within one year. If you have received a “Confirmation of semester placement” for your application, please submit this together with the application.
Please note that in the case of GOP modules, recognition is considered like an attempt within the framework of the GOP and you are obliged to take part in the GOP examinations until valid recognition. Please note the information on advancing to a higher semester.
( one e-mail with the applications for all recognized preliminary work)
Master's students who have completed courses during their previous Bachelor's degree program at TUM that were not recorded on their graduation certificate can apply during their Master's degree program to have these credits recognized. Please note the information on advancing to a higher semester.
Recognition of achievements achieved during your studies
The following should be considered when recognizing achievements that you have completed during your studies:
Recognition of modules, e.g. after a semester abroad
If you are returning from a semester abroad or from a guest stay at another university, for example, please fill out and submit the credit transfer request. Please note the information on recognition of achievements from a semester abroad and on advancing to a higher semester.
Double degree
If you are enrolled in several degree programs at the same time and have achieved credits that you can also transfer to your mathematics degree program, please submit a corresponding application for recognition.
These credit transfer requests can be submitted during the entire course of study. You will only advance to a higher semester if at least 30 credits of the achievements to be recognized originate from a semester of leave.
Extradisciplinary courses
You can find information on which achievements can be recognized in this field on the website for support electives. Please contact bsc-ma.asa(at)xcit.tum.de or msc-ma.asa(at)xcit.tum.de in advance to clarify whether specific modules can be recognized.