Preparatory and Vacation Courses Mathematics
Well prepared for your studies: The TUM School of Computation, Information and Technology (CIT) offers preparatory mathematics courses for those with vocational qualifications and other first-year students. They help you get started at the university and give you the opportunity to get to know future fellow students in advance and to find your way around the TUM Campus. Enrolled students also have the opportunity to prepare for the next semester – with the introductory seminar L&L, in-depth vacation courses or the vacation seminar of the Hurwitz Society
Precourses for first-year students
TUM offers first-year students preliminary courses for various fields of study such as mathematics, physics, informatics, electrical and computer engineering, engineering, aerospace and management. The courses are a perfect introduction to successful studies and therefore highly recommended by th CIT.
The precourses are not compulsory and not a prerequisite. The lectures of your study program are based on the general Abitur knowledge.
Please find all information on the respective course page (courses held in German have German titles):
- Precourse Mathematics for Electrical Engineering (in German)
- Precourse Mathematics for Informatics (in German and English)
(Study programs B.Sc. Informatics, Informatics: Games Engineering, Information Systems, Bioinformatics) - Precourse Mathematics for Management & Technology, Aerospace, Science & Engineering, Geodesy & Geoinformation (in English)
(Study programs B.Sc. Management & Technology, Aerospace, Science & Engineering, Geodesy & Geoinformation) - Precourse in Advanced Mathematics for Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Sciences, Geodesy (in German)
(Study programs B.Sc. Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Science, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geodesy) - Precourse Mathematics for Mathematics and Physics (in German)
L&L – getting started with your studies
The course Lehr- und Lernformen (L&L – Teaching & Learning) is conceived for all first-year students of mathematics and takes place within the Study Introductory Days (SET: Studieneinführungstage). During the SET Days, you will get to know the TUM and the Garching campus and make first contacts with fellow students. The practice lecture, exercise classes and group work within L&L will make it easier for you to start your studies at the CIT.
Please find all current information at Lehr- und Lernformen (L&L – Teaching & Learning).
Vacation courses
Deepen your knowledge, repeat tricky topics and have your questions answered - vacation courses are ideal for those who want to prepare themselves for exams or need an introduction to software for mathematicians. The courses are a supplementary offer of our department, financed via study subsidies.
You are not required to attend. Also, we do not provide you any new teaching material you need to pass your exam. There are a number of one-day or several-day vacation courses on offer. Further information and the program can be found under vacation courses.
One-day courses
For some major Bachelor lectures, such as Analysis and Linear Algebra, there are one-day refresher courses shortly before the respective exam during the semester break.
Several-day courses
Depending on the demand, we offer two to four-day courses for some lectures, such as Analysis and Linear Algebra, before the respective repeat exams.
Computer courses
In addition, we regularly hold introductory computer courses during the semester break, for example on LaTeX, on the implementation of optimization problems with PDEs or on linear optimization.
Vacation seminar of the Hurwitz Society
A seminar in an informal atmosphere: Every year in fall, the Hurwitz Society for the promotion of mathematics at the TUM offers a vacation seminar for all students from the fourth semester on. It offers you the opportunity to listen to lectures, exchange professional ideas and get to know your lecturers better. The vacation seminar can be credited to your bachelor studies just like a regular seminar.
Find out more about the alumni organization at Hurwitz Society.