Administration of final theses
CIT portal
Since 15 January 2024, all final theses in the School of Computation, Information and Technology are managed via the CIT portal.
Once you have found a topic and a supervising chair for your thesis, you will be registered by the supervising chair. You will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm your thesis registration. Only after you have confirmed your registration, the Academic Programmes Office will be able to check the admission requirements and you will receive an email confirming your binding registration for your thesis.
Features for students in the CIT portal
- You can log in to the CIT portal at with your TUM ID and get an overview of your thesis.
- If necessary, you can apply for an extension in the CIT portal.
- Further functions will follow in the coming months.
Information for employees
In the wiki at employees can find a comprehensive documentation of the administration of theses in the CIT portal.
Mandatory Enrollment for Exams and Final Thesis
Students have to be enrolled when they take an exam (including the thesis).
In accordance with § 18 subsection (1) APSO students must be enrolled in the respective program until completion and submission of the final thesis (Bachelor's Thesis or Master's Thesis). This is true even if the period for writing the thesis was extended for reasons beyond a student’s control.
For all other exams, however, the time until the first week of classes belongs to the exam period of the previous semester. Therefore, in that case, students only have to be enrolled until the end of the previous semster. For exams which take place until the end of the first week of classes of the new semester no obligation for enrollment exists. This is also true for the usually with a final thesis associated mandatory colloquium (Bachelor) or mandatory presentation (Master). Students who have submitted their final thesis in the previous semester therefore do not have to be enrolled for a colloquium or presentation which takes place until the end of the first week of classes.
Please note: If the colloquium or presentation takes place after submitting the final thesis and if this is the last requirement of the program, then the day of the colloquium or the presentation also is the date of the certificate (and not the date of submission of the thesis).