General information on your thesis
The subsequent regulations apply only to students in the following degree programs:
- Bachelor: Informatics, Informatics: Games Engineering, Information Systems
- Master: Biomedical Computing, Data Engineering and Analytics, Informatics, Informatics: Games Engineering, Information Systems
- regulations for Bachelor Bioinformatik here:
- regulations for Master Bioinformatik here:
- For tips on finding a topic and completing the thesis, please come to the information event Let's talk about - Final Thesis @in.tum
- It is mandatory to be enrolled while writing your thesis.
- For more information, see Thesis and Competing your Studies
Thesis registration:
As of January 15, 2024, all theses in the School of Computation, Information and Technology will be managed via the CIT portal.
Once you have found a topic and a supervisor for your thesis, you will be registered by your supervisor. You will receive an automatically generated e-mail via the CIT portal asking you to confirm your thesis registration. Only after you have confirmed the registration can the admission requirements be checked by the Academic and Student Affairs Office (ASA) and you will receive an automatically generated e-mail via the CIT portal about the binding registration for the thesis.
Functions for students in the CIT portal
- You can log in to the CIT portal with your TUM ID at
- You will receive an overview of your thesis.
- If necessary, you can apply for an extension in the CIT portal.
- The bachelor thesis is also submitted via the portal. Please also inform your supervisor about the submission and arrange an individual date for your final presentation.
- The grades are reported by the supervisor via the CIT portal and are then transferred to TUMonline by the ASA staff.
- Further functions will follow in the coming months.
- Bachelor Informatics and Informatics: Games Engineering 4 months
- Bachelor Information Systems 5 months
- Master's Thesis (for all study programs) 6 months
- Other deadlines apply for part-time students.
If you are unable to meet the submission deadline of your thesis for valid reasons for which you are not responsible, you can submit an application for an extension of the thesis to the Examination Board via the CIT-Portal.
Applications can generally be divided into two categories:
1) Health reasons
If you are ill and can prove by a certificate that you are prevented from working on your thesis, the processing time is suspended. This is represented by an extension of your submission deadline. A certificate of incapacity (=Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung) for work is not sufficient. Instead you need a certificate (=Attest). You can find the requirements for a certificate on the website Withdrawing from Examinations – Medical Certificates.
2) Other reasons
In cases of delays due to other valid reasons for which you are not responsible, the submission deadline of your thesis may be extended in exceptional and particularly justified cases in agreement with the thesis examiner and with the approval of the Examination Board. The extension application must be approved by your examiner. Please enclose a detailed justification (if possible with supporting documents) with your application.
- A4 size
- Printed
- No handwriting (apart from date and signature at the second page)
- Cardstock (no transparent film, no plastic cover)
- Hardback (no spiral binding)
- Technische Universität München or Technical University of Munich
- School of Computation, Information and Technology - Informatics
- Master's Thesis in | Bachelor's Thesis in Informatics | Informatics: Games Engineering | Information Systems | Biomedical Computing | Data Engineering and Analytics ...
- Thesis title (in the language of the thesis).
Please note: If the title is different from the title you have registered, the new title must be confirmed by your examiner. - First and last name of the author.
- The TUM and departmental logos are optional.
- Please note:
The TUM and departmental logos are optional.
Do not attach any notes, images and company name or other logos.
No company name or company logo.
- Author and shortened title, Imprinted or permanently fixed (f.e. glue on the text with wide tape).
First page:
- Repeat the cover information.
- Also include:
- The title must be written in English as well as German.
- Examiner: The first and last names of the supervisor including the academic title
- Supervisor/s: The first and last names of the advisor/s including the academic title
- Submission date: (must not be handwritten)
- the actual submission date
- or the submission deadline (15th of the month)
- Please note:
Do not include your student registration number or other personal data such as date of birth.
Do not attach any notes, images and company name or logo.
Second page:
- Include the following declaration:
I confirm that this bachelor's thesis | master's thesis is my own work and I have documented all sources and material used. - Signature and date of signature.
LaTeX template
There is a (non-official) LaTeX template , but the previously mentioned formatting instructions should be checked.
Completing your Studies
- Bachelor: Informatik, Informatik: Games Engineering, Wirtschaftsinformatik
- Master: Biomedical Computing, Data Engineering and Analytics, Informatik, Information Systems/Wirtschaftsinformatik
You have completed your studies and would like to receive your final certificate and a preliminary certificate? Do you want to know how to switch to a consecutive Master's degree program after completing your Bachelor's degree? Or do you have questions about exmatriculation? Here you can find the most important information:
After you have completed your study plan and all grades have been validly set, please check that all details in your grade report are correct (in TUMonline → Student Performance Record → Print Grade Report and check personal data, grades as well as language and title of your thesis).
Please send an e-mail to certificates-in.asa(at) with the subject B.Sc./M.Sc. your study program and confirm your data so that the Examination Board can report your final certificate to the Graduation Office.
The Graduation Office and Academic Records Campus Garching will then prepare your documents and inform you when they are ready to be handed out. You can find further information under Graduation Documents
If you need a preliminary certificate before receiving your graduation documents, you can apply for this directly at the Graduation Office and Academic Records Campus Garching after your final certificate has been reported by the Examination Board, see Graduation Documents
If you enroll for a consecutive Master's program of TUM School of CIT after your Bachelor's degree, please note:
- We will report your bachelor's degree to the Admissions and Enrollment Office for enrollment (not for the application!). It is therefore not necessary to hand in the degree certificate yourself for enrollment.
- This process does not take place immediately in the above-mentioned period but approx. every two weeks and is completed by the enrollment deadline .
- A green checkmark will then appear in the online application portal for your degree certificate and diploma. However, you can and may also submit the final certificate or preliminary certificate yourself.
- You must submit all other required documents yourself by enrollment deadline.
The CIT Graduation Ceremony usually takes place once a year in the summer. You will receive an invitation via your or e-mail address. For further information please see Graduation Ceremony.